Title: Web Stuff 2
Date: 29th April 2021

If you think about it the web really is a load of nonsense. Here I am writing my weblog, I write a mini-essay and give it a page. Boom done. Better put a link on that bad boy from the front page. Guess I'll go with them in date order? Or maybe alphabetical is better? Well, I could be really fancy and let the user decide. Gonna have to roll up my sleeves and code something up. Maybe some fancy buttons that change their colour shade when you click on them. I mean I guess this is why people use pre-existing systems so that they don't have to roll this from scratch. Although my impression is that developers still need to tailor the framework to their own tastes and purposes half the time and the other half is probably doesn't quite do everything the user wants.

It sure is sort of funny that every website has to badly reimplement the interface to it's content everywhere for all time. What if there was a way we could just give the user the content and they could consume it with the tools of their choice. Tools refined over years and years to do precisely that? What are you saying? Is that an RSS feed? Is that a database? Is that a set of files on the command line? Yes, precisely.